Saturday, January 14, 2012

A list of Illustrators I admire - Definitely NOT exhaustive

Here is a list of my favorite illustrators.
My introduction to these artists were often by book & magazine covers.
They also have thriving fine art careers in other industries.
Besides each artist's name are the examples that introduced me to their work (Just a tip of the iceberg).

Have tried to include official sites. Sorry, I can't STAND Wikipedia.
Braldt Bralds - "Cat Fantastic" book covers, "Moontide & Magic Rise" & "Initiate Brother" duologies, assorted covers (Braldt Bralds Studio)

Thomas Canty - "The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror: Annual Collection", assorted covers (Thomas Canty)

Leo (Deceased) & Diane Dillon - "Why Do Mosquitos Buzz in People's Ears", "Ashanti to Zulu", earlier editions of "Chronicles of Narnia" series, "The People Can Fly", "House of Spirits" book, assorted series, various (Leo Dillon - Summary Bibiliography) & (Diane Dillon - Summary Bibilography)- they do not have an official page but other organizations and publishers have official pages for the pair.

Michael Herring - Earlier editions of the 'Lord of the Rings' book covers, various (Paintings by Michael Herring)

Jody A. Lee - "Mage Storm" & "Kingdom of Valdemar" series, various (Jody Lee Official Webpage)

Keith Parkinson (Deceased) - "Death Gate" Cycle, assorted covers (Keith Parkinson Online)

Wendy Pini - "ElfQuest" series in comics, graphic novels, various (ElfQuest) - with her husband, Richard Pini, they are both talented writers.

Romas - "The Rowan" series & "Sholan Alliance" series, assorted covers (Romas Brandt Kukalis' Home Page)

Rowena - Two "Apprentice Adept" books, assorted covers, various (Welcome to the Official Website for Rowena Morill)

Laurence Schwinger - "The Belgariad" series, one "Apprentice Adept" cover, various (Laurence Schwinger : Wizard World Comic Cons : )

Darrell K. Sweet (Deceased) -"Xanth" series, "Shannara" series, "The Wheel of Time" series, "The Baker's Boy",  assorted series, various (Darrell K. Sweet's official site)

Michael Whelan - "Dragonriders of Pern" & "Chanur" series, most of the "Foundation" series, assorted series, various (Michael Whelan | Science Fiction and Fantasy Artist)

Stephen Youll - "Death Gate" series, "Star of the Guardians" series, "Liveship Traders" series, various (THE ART OF STEPHEN YOULL)

This, of course, is not a complete list of my favorites and influences. That would take a lifetime to compile, however, I will be posting favorite writers as well.

Also, please explore the sites I provided.
Most of these artists have far-reaching careers and long bodies of work.
Exploring their sites is, pun definitely intended, especially for these speculative fiction artists, like exploring new worlds.

2025 IS HERE

My webcomic came together once I began using dot-grid sheets for my rough comic sketches. Recently learned SecondLina of CROW TIME & NAM...