Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Inspiration, Disney & the Tramp

When you hear about 'gangster dogs', what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Well, for me, it all began with a tidy, little movie called "Lady & the Tramp".
I first watched this film, I think, in the New York Public Library, when they had movie time for the kiddies.

I had no idea when first viewing this classic film how much I was soaking in!
Disney's (c) 1955 Movie poster ?

I watched a lot of Disney films via public library, but let me focus on this story: a young, pampered Cocker Spaniel, owned by a human couple, finds herself out in the cold, cruel world and a dashing terrier-mix stray finds her and takes her under his (paw?) wing.
Lady, as she is known, finds out her rescuer is known as the Tramp, and he has quite a seedy reputation.

Upon review when older, I picked up the sheer genius and creativity of the story - that it took place at turn-of-the-century U.S., in an affluent area, and that there was still undeveloped land (when Lady and her Tramp run about town, painting it red, and later, they nap together on a grassy hill overlooking the city...the scene is SO tender and picturesque!).

Also, the romance flows so smoothly. Character development does not feel rushed.

Another important scene: Lady, after spending her time at the dog pound, and then she's brought safely home (she had a license, after all), Tramp comes by to apologize, and the offended Lady literally goes off on him! In that moment, she's grown up, from girl to woman, and basically tells the man she is falling for how much he hurt and betrayed her!
It's funny, to see dogs act in so human a manner, especially watching Tramp's contrite face and body language, and it is heartbreaking, because Lady has grown up!

Now, as I work on my latest project (is it or isn't it a novel?), I've found how much I've gleaned from Disney's "Lady & the Tramp".
Using a wide, divergent, even culturally different cast, such as the Scottish terrier and the American Southern bloodhound, etc. inspired the use of applying human history to canine-centered story.

Though one of many, I can credit "Lady & the Tramp" to a degree that, had I NOT watched the film, my current WIP would NOT have been possible, or even come to fruition.

Now, *plug* Disney has "Lady & the Tramp" out on Blue-ray! Watch it again! And if you have NEVER seen this wonderful film (where have you been?), then I implore you to get it, watch with the children, your spouse, your partner, or by yourself.

It is enjoyable at every level.

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