Tuesday, September 11, 2012

More points, more inspirations...

I said it before many times in my journals and so I'll say it again: I often list my inspirations for the canine historical drama. This list is as a litany; to remind me why this story must be told.

So, here goes: "The Aristocats". Why this? It's about cats! How could this inspire a dog story? But it did, in the elegant cat named Duchess, and the stray cat named Thomas O' Malley,  'the alley cat'!* The best part of this Disney film for me is when Thomas' friends perform their jazz music for Duchess and her kittens who are used to Opera and classical music. However, the home-raised cat and her kittens swing with the rest! When Duchess plays the harp afterwards is a treat.

I mentioned "Lady and the Tramp" in a previous post. The parallels between my story and this are far more obvious: Lady is a Cocker Spaniel, born to be a housepet. Tramp is a stray mutt with Terrier in him. He is older and more worldly. And has been around... In the full sense of the word. This is a Disney film as well, but the superlative writing makes that point that Tramp is no longer innocent, but that Lady is...

We come to the end of this post with the earliest influence of these films, and that's "City Mouse, Country Mouse".

Why this Aesop fable? Well, Aesop's use of animals as symbols of human folly made huge impressions on me.
In my childhood reading, I would come across an Aesop tale now and again. Yet, the significance of these fables never rang more true than when I spent hours reading a thick volume in my junior high library. I was so inspired, so enthused, I created my own tales, penning and illustrating notebook paper before self-binding the little pages by stapler.

"City Mouse, Country Mouse" is a tale of opposites. A country cousin leaves his rural home to visit his slicker city kin.
Mayhem ensues, with the country mouse rushing back to a world that, though no less dangerous, is familiar and makes sense.

This is no simple kiddy-tale, but a profound look at how our troubles can comfort us and that we musn't envy another's life.
Their ways may appear so alien and frightening that it could render a person to flee back to their comfort zone.

Please do yourself a favor, and read "City Mouse, Country Mouse" in any adaptation, in as many variations as you can find. You will appreciate its message.

*Viewers who watched "The Aristocats" know this little ditty!

2025 IS HERE

My webcomic came together once I began using dot-grid sheets for my rough comic sketches. Recently learned SecondLina of CROW TIME & NAM...