Saturday, September 7, 2024

Why is there a growing movement among creatives against Generative AI?

I really don't understand how dismissive some creatives are about the advent of AI. 

First, it isn't ALL of what AI represents why many creatives hate it, it is Generative AI. This is a kind of AI that gleans from existing IPs (Intellectual Properties) to make its "own" art. 

Basically, it has to "steal" in order to learn. When it plagiarizes, and because it's AI, it can steal from millions upon millions of creative works from all sorts of media and use it. 

What does this mean? It means that through a kind of piracy, creators and creatives lose out. AI artists are not the same as Generative AI. There is still a human using it as a tool. But Gen AI works alone, and steals from others to create. 

There is a global pledge growing with creatives both past and present who are signing on that they don't want the companies who use Generative AI to use their works. That means living creators are being pirated and dead creators' estates are being robbed. Also, Gen AI already steals from professionals, so what's it doing to the mid-level pros and smaller freelancers that it's supposed to help?

Companies, corporations, and other businesses that can hire artists, even digital and AI artists, are NOT HIRING THOSE ARTISTS. 

I mean, why pay someone or someone's estate for Intellectual properties when you can simply use the art your Gen AI can steal? 

Please listen to the actual complaints of living artists (even those who work with AI) and creator estates when they tell you that they are losing work because of Generative AI. 

Coin-Operated Press FurZine issue is out!

Coin-Operated Press FurZine issue is out! FurZine is 20+ pages of Furry art, photos, poetry & p...