Thursday, January 1, 2015

It is a New Year!

Original date in journal 11/2/14

While reading Scott McCloud's "Making Comics" on page 232, McCloud speaks about artists basing 'his or her comics around [a]...'collection of values. ..'
And as I do readily subscribe to one of these values, the other three aren't far from my thoughts. I do want to tell the best story I can, but I want to strive for excellence, experiment and test the boundaries of my skills.

One day, my supervisor and I discussed my novel-in-progress, and I gave updates about my latest feedback. I mentioned I may be the only anthropomorphic writer in the writing program, but I also explained there were other MFA programs that did separate by genre. My supervisor immediately disregarded that idea, for though she is a genre fan buff too, she told me it was better for me to be in the present program since I'm exposed to other genres at once. She even pointed out all the topics and variety of issues I pinpoint in the story: romance, historical, sociology, anthropology, economics, racism, segregation, crime, politics etc.

That was important for me to know and understand. I also want to create lasting art. Art that endures.

Now, to continue getting ready: new goals, more writing and packing for residency next week!

Rom-coms Can Help!

Readers find "Summer to Winter" funny, and that's as it should be. I hoped readers would get my humor. I was always a sitcom/B...