Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fun Post! But still being serious...

Everyone should have a teddy
   Just wanted my readers/visitors to know  that I joined Camp NaNoWriMo! Why  should you care? Well, this time, one can  set how high the word count must be. I set  mine to 15,000. Seems attainable, doesn't  it? But, then again, I need all the motivation I can create for myself to complete this novel. For anybody who frequents social media, the bookish teddy on the left is my buddy from graduate school. I saw him and just fell in love. He is now my mascot when I'm in the middle of beating a deadline, mired in research, or just need somebody cute to pick up my spirits when I'm stuck in the middle of writing!

Gift from a work friend

Which takes me to the next image on the left. This was a gift from a dear friend at work. Everyone knows, even students, that I am a short story author and am constantly writing. This gorgeous notebook given as a gift (was it birthday? Christmas? GAH! Can't remember!:( ) and I am using it along with its other companions.
Dear readers, you have no idea how many of these journals I have... I need them. Like a vampire needs blood.

The Harlem Renaissance
 My next two books definitely are high on the list of research that saved my bacon! When I had dropped down a plot-hole, or paper, paper everywhere, and not a plot to think, both these books on the Harlem Renaissance pulled me firmly into those times, giving me their history as the beating of a heart. There have been so many references that have helped the development of this story and of me as a writer, I don't know where there will be enough space to dedicate them all, but, this blog will have to do!
When Harlem Was In Vogue

2025 IS HERE

My webcomic came together once I began using dot-grid sheets for my rough comic sketches. Recently learned SecondLina of CROW TIME & NAM...