Except for online magazines, online journals, and stories made into podcasts, these are proof of my freelance life. Starting officially in 1998 is when I actively sought publication.
Between roughly 1999-2007
Most of my works appeared in fanzines (fan-made magazines), stab/side-stitched title PawPrints and comb/plastic-bound Fur Visions.

By 2007-2010
This was also the time I began getting illustrations published. My works began life with online publications such as Anthrozine, a small press that produced that lovely thick book you see in the image, and sold on a small-press bookseller as print and as an ebook!
Anthrodreams, a podcast publisher which became my first paid work. And though I continued with constant online work, some online publications became print anthologies with perfect binding.

In 2010-2013
So many opportunities to publish online! I tried my hand again with articles and essays. I was published in my first literary journal in American Athenaeum having seen print earlier with their online sister journal, 1Bookshelf. The print also sold as an ebook!
During 2012, I published, under a pen name Goblinrant, rather slowly, a series of articles about animation and comic book pop culture. I'm very proud of them but wished I was quicker to churn them out. Ah well.

By 2015, I ended up in another literary magazine Prick of the Spindle which was the first time in years my work came in print again and sold in print and as an ebook. It was also my return to the short story form.
More genres in print. More guest-blogging. More trial and error with expanding my work. I had a short story in an online literary journal, a poem(!) and illustration featured in an official convention booklet, and again in a print literary journal, The Tishman Review with perfect binding and in large-magazine format size!
You can see the covers to all these books I mentioned (and an e-literary journal) on my biblio blog The Angry Goblin at WordPress!