Monday, September 17, 2018

Returning to HamiltonBook dot com

I don't know why I stopped shopping at Hamilton Books aka Edward R. Hamilton Bookseller. In the early 1990s, Edward R. Hamilton mailed newspaper catalogues. There was only an email address and hard copy order forms. But the books were beautiful.
I was doing my Bachelor's in IT and Hamilton Books offered study guide packets and boxes with CDs.

Unlike other online bookstores, Hamilton sells OVERSTOCK BOOKS, which simply means these titles are BRAND-SMACKING NEW. NOT USED.

These are simply extra copies left over after all bookstores, libraries, and educational institutions have received their allotted quantity.

Below is my first order in years. I also put a review over a year ago on their Facebook page. I've since ordered more 'gifts' for myself.

From Left to Right
1. "Marble Season" by Gilbert Hernandez
2. "The Best American Comics 2013" Edited by Jeff Smith (Creator of "Bone" graphic novel series)
3. Patricia A. McKillip Omnibus - 3 novels in 1
4. "Black Images In the Comics: A Visual History" by Fredrik Stromberg

FB: EdwardRHamiltonBookseller

2025 IS HERE

My webcomic came together once I began using dot-grid sheets for my rough comic sketches. Recently learned SecondLina of CROW TIME & NAM...