One of the worst things to say to anyone in a marginalized group: POC, LGBTQA+, Indigenous, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, women/femmes, the poor, etc., is to make themselves more presentable to their oppressor(s). Don't do this. No one, NO ONE should be obligated to make themselves presentable TO ANY ONE WHO BULLIES them.
I was mercilessly bullied for years in grade school, both by schoolmates and teachers alike, and the advice to ME (NEVER TO THE BULLIES) was to ignore or try to GET ALONG. This is dangerous advice. It never works. If someone denies anyone their humanity, their dignity, their respect, don't expect those same people to want to get along. I sure don't want to. Please bury this.
Only standing up. Protesting. Getting in the face of the bully/bullies/oppressor(s) can stop or deter. I've said my piece. Let's hope to have a good Saturday, everyone.