Saturday, March 30, 2019

CAMP NaNoWriMo is fast approaching and I've been having tech problems...

It has been three years since I participated in any NaNoWriMo activities.

As I've said in past posts, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. At the end of this post, I will provide official links. The reason I decided to do so this year is I have a series that helped me find my voice as a writer as well as a community of acceptance. It has also helped me have a "writing career" of sorts. I've been interviewed for podcasts, invited to participate in writing workshops, a few events, and led me to graduate school, something I thought I wouldn't do.

My feline fantasy series has also helped me to create an online presence as well as navigate social media and I know there are still stories for me to tell. I don't want to give it up. Also, the life of a writer has sidelines and detours. Writers, we get distracted or obsessed with other projects, new ideas, and have asides. Also, life gets in the way as it does with everything. Sometimes, I struggle to juggle all these stories, new shiny ideas, and the determination to finish other projects.

Once I sat back and took a good look at myself from 2017 and 2018, I realized I would need to take a step back from the goals I had set for myself, especially when certain goals have been met as well as seeing that some have become stumbling blocks and may no longer serve their purpose. It's okay to walk away from certain goals one sets for oneself! I had to learn that hard lesson. I understood that the continuing of my fantasy short story series cannot be sacrificed in the interest of goals that have expired or outlived their purpose.

Sorry, I went into a diatribe, but I'm officially returning to the Tabber the Red world and will use 2019 as the Year of the Cat for my tales. My website named after my warrior tabby is turning 13 and I want to give it a fresh new look for its birthday this year. The blogs keep getting updated, but ever since I upgraded my desktop, I now lack the software I've used to update the website. And just recently, had to lease a new laptop since the new Dell netbook to replace my Chromebook died, and then the Chromebook has been shutting off, so...

Also, my mom needed a new computer, so I helped put her Lenovo 3-in-1 desktop together and have been navigating my way around it as well as my own Alienware to keep their antiviruses, software patches, and notifications up-to-speed. It hasn't been easy. I'm a lab tutor and one of my coworkers and good friends is our department's tech person, I'm the unofficial one for when he isn't around. So, not only do I have to do topical fixes and changes to our technical equipment at my job, but I come home to maintain my and mom's computers and printer. That's another thing, my own 3-in-1 printer stopped talking to my Chromebook, so that's been fun!

But the good news is my desktop is an Alienware and my brand-new laptop is a Razer, so by the grace of God, I can go back to worrying about updating site, blogs, writing, and hopefully returning to relearning digital artwork on these new platforms. And there I went off on talking about technology when I should have been talking about my plans for April Camp NaNoWriMo!

Next post! Onward and upward!

2025 IS HERE

My webcomic came together once I began using dot-grid sheets for my rough comic sketches. Recently learned SecondLina of CROW TIME & NAM...