I think it's a given that if you've been reading my blog, I have very strong opinions.
I also like being as informed about a variety of topics.
I don't shy away from being uncomfortable when learning about new things.
I also try not to lay the emotional burden of information on friends and loved ones by trying to teach myself or passively learn from others who have already uploaded blogs, videos, and/or any kind of research.
So... SUMMER TO WINTER is a fluffy Slice of Life/Romance Comedy/School Life webcomic. But it will deal with topics such as racism, colorism, sexism, misogyny, health care, mental health, the state of public and private education in the US, as well as a host of other topics and social/societal issues.
Sexual acts and intimacies will be discussed between partners, spouses, and lovers in healthy ways. I will try to encourage and promote healthy romance (this does not mean CLEAN ROMANCE. There are other writers for that) and downplay and even discourage toxic relationship views.
My characters communicate. They talk a lot. I do, too, and what didn't help was I was a substitute teacher, a speaker at various functions such as Career Days, New Student Orientations, and workshops, as well as I was a former college lab tutor. But as an Introvert, those moments were also hell, no matter how small or large the crowd was.
I was raised by a school teacher and well-read and well-informed parents. Politics will be mentioned. Religion and Faith beliefs, too. My cast of characters are inclusive and varied, so cultural ideas will be mixed in as well as gender diversity. People exist and so they will they exist in my webcomic.
Childbirth, adoption, and fertility will be mentioned. As a chronic health sufferer, chronic conditions, autoimmune disorders, allergies, and disability will be in my story.
Even though the story is romantic, even though it is comedy, I want to include these because my characters deserve joy and love and affection in whatever form those come in.
Just as I do. And you, dear readers. Even you.