Sunday, November 4, 2012

First short story published is now a podcast!

Hello Everyone!

Sorry, have been busy: Tweeting, revising this blog, and The Copper Sphinx.
This as well as working on new sketches, uploading a comic strip to Media Junk Food's Facebook page (I will provide the links for all this below), as well as trying to go through older files to complete other stories/projects.


Anthropomorphic Dreams Publishing turned the "Su Ling" short story into one of their recent podcasts.
"Su Ling" is dear to me. It is the FIRST story I published back in 2000 in the now out-of-print fanzine "PawPrints".

(Anthropomorphic Dreams made another hardcopy story of mine into a podcast. Check out my official website "Tabber the Red" for complete details about my publications. All links are as current as I can make them.)

Furry Writers' Guild, my writers' group, announced the republishing of this story on our homepage!

(More details about what inspired this short story, as well as my biography, in a nutshell, is provided within the podcast.)

Furry Writers' Guild

Anthropomorphic Dreams - "Su Ling" link!

Media Junk Food Facebook Page

Last, but certainly NOT LEAST, complete details for links to published works are on my 'Bibliography' webpage :
Tabber the Red's Bibliography Page!

Check out these out to see what I've been doing! More to come! And Thank You for your wonderful comments and insights! I'm humbled and grateful.

2025 IS HERE

My webcomic came together once I began using dot-grid sheets for my rough comic sketches. Recently learned SecondLina of CROW TIME & NAM...