Monday, May 1, 2017

The blessings keep coming...

My illustration submission to furry convention Furlandia 2017 has been accepted! I submitted the drawing in its original color and then formatted to black and white. The black and white version will be published in this year's conbook! So excited!

In the same news, a furry poem I based on my love and research for Harlem Renaissance poetry will also be published in Furlandia's conbook!

In other news, while getting ready to submit to another writing opportunity, found out I was one of a list of women honored in March for Women's History Month on an official furry online newspaper! Are you kidding me? How on earth did I miss this?

Here's the link for those interested:
Dogpatch Press - March is Furry Women’s Month – guest post by Shining River

Remember I mentioned back in February of this year I would have another story from my historical novel coming out in an online journal? If not, click on my Featured Post on the right-hand link above my Micro Bio. Also in March, I and other guild members were mentioned for upcoming publications on the official guild website.

Here's the link to that as well:
Member news - March 2017

2025 IS HERE

My webcomic came together once I began using dot-grid sheets for my rough comic sketches. Recently learned SecondLina of CROW TIME & NAM...