Sunday, August 5, 2018

I'm taking a breather with some things to focus on other things

Have two micro-reviews on some fabulous graphic novels coming up!

In the meantime, have been busy trying to set up a new desktop computer. It's been slow-going despite having all the tools (external drive and cables) that I need but this Florida summer humidity isn't helping things.

Plus, I've had to do some deep soul-searching to decide to make up more hours at my job while still maintaining my freelancing career. I've given up on the fellowship-hunting for now. Can't be putting out all that energy and not really getting any returns now, can I?

And in other news, can you believe it? Inktober is just around the corner and I'm already planning on what series I'll be illustrating... May do some comic or graphic novel pages just to see if I can do it within such a lean time and space? May just stick to ink and markers for now.

August just started and there was a blood moon in July I didn't get to see but you know what... "I see a bad moon a-risin'" (folks of a certain age will get the reference).

Until next time, Dear Readers. I haven't abandoned you or this blog. Still too many adventures in this writing and art-working life.

2025 IS HERE

My webcomic came together once I began using dot-grid sheets for my rough comic sketches. Recently learned SecondLina of CROW TIME & NAM...