Saturday, February 15, 2020

Some reminders when working on comics

The drafting for this graphic novel requires me to use scale down storyboarding with these new Faber-Castell pens. I'll probably post one or two pages here. 

I didn't do strict comic scripting for this particular storyboard. There's a lot of inner rules I have to set for myself. And while I'm working on this comic, I have had to upgrade certain skills, change some rules, and do what needs doing at the moment.

I'll also do some sketching and doodling exercises and probably post here and the rest on my Instagram. Trying to take things easy this week at least. 

Representation is a gift

When I began SUMMER TO WINTER, I noticed more than one brown or Black reader and/or friend asked if (Peter) Dunlop is Black.  The relief and...