Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This Blog Turns 4 YEARS OLD

Had just realized once this November started, "In Pretty Print" has turned 4 Years Old! My little Bloggie is growin' up! Now that I wiped the tear from my eye, I can get started.

This has caused me to re-evaluate my blog and its purpose. Something I think all bloggers run into and have to ponder. I don't have any special downloads or swag to offer. I used that for the official site, and initially, the blogs were to be 'companion pieces' to Tabber the Red website. I didn't expect the blogs to take on lives of their own. They are now complete entities in themselves, yet part of my mini-network with the site (this also includes the DeviantART profile).

Blogging didn't come easy to me when building my website. It was a learning process. I made mistakes and lost blogs because of it. This blog is actually my FOURTH attempt. Still, I don't feel like an expert. I still read and follow and 'fan' other blogs (as well as grinding my teeth in envy over their beautiful interfaces and templates) but I also try to learn from other bloggers to continue to help mine grow and evolve.
One day, I want others to visit In Pretty Print in droves. I want it to change lives. I want it to be one of many sources of inspiration. Just as other blogs do for me and more.

In celebration of "In Pretty Print - A Writing and Artist Life...Ongoing", I will try to break my average 2-3 posts per month.

If you're a fan of my blog, I will be highlighting pivotal posts that were first debuted on the now closed literary blog carnival, Third Sunday. The posts I submitted to the blog carnival consisted of writing advice and tips, things that inspired me, ideas on what to do if deciding on an MFA (Master of Fine Arts) degree, and much, much more.

There are a lot of events happening this November: NaNoWriMo, the Miami Book Fair International, etc.
Let me celebrate the blog's 4th birthday by offering the information and ideas that have sustained me as a writer and artist over the years.

Thank you.

2025 IS HERE

My webcomic came together once I began using dot-grid sheets for my rough comic sketches. Recently learned SecondLina of CROW TIME & NAM...