Graduation is fast approaching. My graduation.
Goals are being made.
I am outlining and taking this novel to the next level and pushing to try new things with writing.
Now it's November and getting down to the wire! So many things due: annotations, creative portions, 25-page essay, and the feedback and research that one accumulates in a semester...
I have so many questions for myself and what I might try to do.
Evernote(r) is an app that can cross platforms for simple note-taking, rigorous note-taking, research-gathering, posting images, recording and clipping web articles. It is such a handy app that I had to download it to both net book and desktop.
Unless you have used it, you have no idea how helpful it's been since a student at my campus told me about it!
I can't count when I was pressed for time (what with the job and looking into extra-income opportunities) and how, with only my cellphone, I hurriedly typed out an entry, bookmarked and clipped a webpage for research, or recorded a reminder (Ok. I only did that once, but it doesn't mean I won't continue it into a habit).
Had to turn in some more deadline PDFs... Ay, and I'm still working on the novel. While taking time to catch up on personal reading, I try to remind myself to always have time for other creative projects.
Here's to hoping to catch up and keep up! *Whew*!
Inspiring other artists/writers. Enlightening readers/viewers.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Time Is Of the Essence
New Ko-fi Update!
You can read the complete [6 pages] black-and-white October episode on my Ko-fi @ Summer to Winter Ko-fi as a supporter until it's avai...
I WON CAMP NANOWRIMO 2016! I can't believe it! Thought I had two more days, but, beat my pre-set word count when I was struggling...
(A tacked on caption reads, "GOT IT? Now Pull Up Your Pants") A former staff member sent me this image. This poster encapsula...
A friend didn't want me to explain the song, "Me and Mrs. Jones" to HER friend. Her argument that while she herself was innoc...