I did about two pages from the current sci-fi series and felt I wasted my day.
The scene is quite important and if I keep it in my Jamerican's POV, it truly shows the alien-ness of her child's father, someone who's been masquerading as human for so long. There's still more to write from this scene.
Also, for the Google Docs manuscript from the same series, I haven't finished the SMS-patois scene between her and her bestie Barbadian friend. I need to continue to type and revise THAT scene and the scene right after before I can consider it DONE.
However, this morning, I re-watched a favorite Korean film of mine (I bought the VCD almost 13 years ago) called "My Little Bride" and then watched a new film that was wonderful, and a bit raunchy (tee-hee), also from Korea called "Love Clinic" so that was good.